Short Term Licences

If this is to be your first trip onto the beautiful River Avon then ANT would like to take this opportunity to wholeheartedly welcome you. Equally, if you are a long term supporter, or visited before, thank you again. 

Short term licences are perfect if you are looking to visit the River Avon, or if you are looking to launch your boat for a short period of time. For periods of over 30 days afloat will require an annual licence. The period of the licences are for consecutive days only.

Please make sure you visit the maps & info page, where there is information to accompany your trip, and highly recommend you purchase the Visitor Guide. 

If you are joining the river at one end or launching from a specific point, and returning to that same point a day or two later, then you should purchase an ‘Excursion Licence’. If you are navigating from either end of the river and navigating to the other, or launching and landing at different points, you will require a ‘Through Licence’ from a maximum period of  7, 14 or 30 days.

ALL CRAFT (including powered craft, paddlecraft and unpowered craft) moored on, or using for any purpose whatsoever, or for whatever period, any part of the waters of the Avon, including that part upstream of it’s confluence with the Severn, all marinas, basins and backwaters, must display a current Avon Navigation Trust Licence. Short term licences purchased online can display the unique number and expiry date written on a piece of paper and fixed to the boat.

Short Term Licences are for privately owned craft, hire craft, timeshare ownership and CRT continuous cruising craft. Licences may NOT  be transferred to any other craft, captain or crew. Hire craft licences expire at the end of the hire period. Unpowered butty barges must have a powered craft able to navigate the butty linked and licenced under the same owner

Prices see below:

Duration    Powered Unpowered

24 Hour Overnight Tewkesbury Avon and Severn Levels / Stratford





24 Hour Excursion (Returning to Start Point) £13.00 £7.00
48 Hour Excursion (Returning to Start Point) £26.00 £13.00
7 Day Through £64.00 £21.00
14 Day Through £80.00 £37.00
30 Day Through £118.00 £64.00

 Short Term Wintering Licence – This licence is available for visitors to the Avon Navigation who wish to moor at a flood safe marina or private mooring location for the winter months of November to March inclusive. Over winter mooring is not allowed at visitor moorings. Various periods are available and are charged at the flat rate of £110.00 per calendar month for all lengths of boat. If you decide to stay after the winter period an annual licence must be purchased. Apply online using the button below and your licence will be posted to you. Please note, during this period the service facilities along the navigation are closed, please ensure your planned mooring location has the required facilities for you before booking. Some reaches of the navigation may also be closed for maintenance. 

   Insurance Documentation – All craft (powered and unpowered) must be insured. ANT recommends at least £3m cover including salvage cover. Copy of current certificate must accompany all annual registration forms. 


     Boat Safety Scheme Certificate – All boats operating on the Avon require a Boat Safety Scheme Certificate (BSS) or a Recreational Craft Directive (RCD) for brand new boats.  This is like a boat MOT – your insurance and river licence will be invalid if you do not have a current BSS.

Only boats with no cabin, no fixed fuel and no cooking facilities are exempt (like canoes, rowboats or very basic open motor boats).

More information is available at or contact the ANT office on 01386 552517.


How / Where to get your Licence


Use the online system below to purchase your licence 

Please Note -If you are unable to licence online we can help, just call 0300 111 2010

Short term licence help can be made in person from:

Tewkesbury:  Avon Lock – Website purchases access point and information Tel: 01684 292129
Welcome Centre Open from 18th April 2025 Thursdays to Sundays & Bank Holiday – Website access point and information. Closed from 02 November 2025 Tel: 01684 292129


Purchase your Short Term Licence ONLINE HERE :


Powered Craft - short term


Un-Powered Craft - short term


Paddle Craft - short term


Short Term Wintering Licence


More information 

The Licence information leaflets are available in the documents page – these display a list of the prices and more details. 

Licence Terms and Conditions

Maps and information about the waterway